International Speakers

Il Programma Formativo del WMF2016

Non ci sono interventi nella sala selezionata in questo giorno.

Gli interventi del 08 luglio

08 luglio
13:00 - 13:40
International Speakers

Mastering the Force

The Force is an energy field that connects all living things in the galaxy. I’m going to teach you how to use the Force to master your digital marketing. We will talk about how to balance your digital strategy and focus yourself so you can become the real Jedi of digital marketing. “For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.”
Andraz Stalec
Andraz Stalec
08 luglio
13:45 - 14:25
International Speakers

Does your PR work? Measuring the effectiveness of your PR efforts Synopsis

As a matter of fact, digital experts usually are struggling to understand how to evaluate their PR efforts in terms of conversions and other business metrics. Yet, my sense is that the problem lies deeper and it comes from not setting up clear and measurable goals. I run PR campaigns for my clients on a regular basis, and in this speech, I want to share how I've solved various problems (not only with measurement, but also with performance). I'll use examples of the real-life campaigns to illustrate why one strategy is excellent to follow and the other is a total failure.
Alexandra Tachalova
Alexandra Tachalova
08 luglio
16:00 - 16:40
International Speakers

Bye, bye SEO? Frameworks, tips and best practice examples how to get your search marketing homework done within your content marketing campaigns!

Sometimes it may seem that content marketing and search engine optimization may be coming from two different planets. At other times they seem to have many things in common. During the session we will talk about how we can structurally and conceptually grasp the overlap and see the synergies as well as contradictions between these two digital marketing fields. With many practical we’ll make sure that you take several actionable ideas back home so your content marketing and SEO will be better than before.
Andre Alpar
Andre Alpar
08 luglio
16:45 - 17:25
International Speakers

Ways to Make You Own SEO Tool Under 100$ - Hidden Gems of Outsourcing in SEO Industry

Yiğit Konur
Yiğit Konur
08 luglio
18:00 - 18:40
International Speakers

The do-s and don't-s of every ecommerce website. Take your customers through a sales funnel that matches their expectations

Each page of yours sales funnel has a purpose - it's part of your customers' journey. You don't want to confuse people by trying to cross sell a similar product to them in the shopping cart and you don't want to keep them away by having a really weird homepage. This session will do a walk through of the do-s and don't-s of the key steps of your sales funnel.
Marie Polli
Marie Polli
08 luglio
18:45 - 19:25
International Speakers

"Time & tide wait for no man brand": turn your audience into customers with social contests

What do you really know about your followers? Discover how to turn your social media audience into customers with prize contests
Andrea D'Ottavio
Andrea D'Ottavio
Webing | The Giveaway Company   

Gli interventi del 09 luglio